Global Futures Conference
Critical actions for global transformational change
The GF23 Global Futures Conference brings together members of the public and private sectors, science and academia, Indigenous communities and youth from around the globe, to actualize bold steps for governments, corporations and multilateral institutions to push the boundaries of discourse on how we can–and must–act to save our planet.
Our world requires humans to act urgently so that we may repair and relieve the stresses we as a global society have placed upon it. In September 2022, GF22 convened with committed global stakeholders who established the 10 Must-haves Initiative, a comprehensive set of Must-have targets with Must-do actions that can lead the change necessary to provide a future where all may thrive. To take the next step, our world needs an engaged and committed alliance of global citizens who have authority and access to see these Must-haves and Must-do’s are implemented. This was the purpose of GF23.
GF23 was held Sept. 19-21, 2023 in New York City.
GF23 steering committee

Peter Schlosser
Vice President and Vice Provost of Global Futures, Arizona State University
Co-chair, The Earth League

Johan Rockström
Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Co-Chair, The Earth League

Mercedes Bustamante
Ecologist and Professor, University of Brasilia

Martin Chungong
Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union

Alex Dehgan
CEO and Co-founder, Conservation X Labs

Amanda Ellis
Senior Director of Global Partnerships, ASU Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory®

Helga Flores Trejo
Vice President Head International and Multilateral Affairs, Bayer

Steven Hartman
Founding Executive Director, BRIDGES Coalition

Mohamed Hassan
President, The World Academy of Sciences
President, Sudanese Academy of Sciences

Hannah Jones
CEO, The Earthshot Prize

Mahmoud Mohieldin
U.N. Climate Change High Level Champion, Egypt U.N. Special Envoy on Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Carlos Nobre
Climate Scientist, Institute for Advanced Studies at University of Sao Paulo

Maya Soetoro-Ng
Co-founder and Senior Advisor, Institute for Climate and Peace
Associate Specialist, Matsunaga Institute for Peace, University of Hawaii

Suzanne Vares-Lum
President, East-West Center

Alexandria Villaseñor
Founder and Executive Director, Earth Uprising

Andrew Zolli
Chief Impact Officer, Planet
Read the latest draft of the 10 Must-haves report:

Convened by

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GF23 Sponsors

GF23 Partners

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If you are interested in supporting or have questions about the Global Futures Conference, contact [email protected].